On my actual birthday.. our money doesn´t come in until the 15th.. so we all were a little broke. so i just bought myself a cake and took it over to our investigators our.. it was her birthday too. and Celebrated with her. It was nice. Honestly i forgot it was my birthday. My companions made me a sign.. and after that.. i had not clue. Until they started singing to my during our Zona meeting.. Those nice Elders. Then it got all of the packages! Which was the best birthday gift ever.. Thanks Family! love you guys.
Then later that week... MIKE GOT BAPTISED!!! YAY. It was such a great day. Because my english class was FULL and it went sooo well. That thing stressed me out every time.. Then he was baptised. AS well as another girl from the other elders. It was a great day. I sent the pictures.. so enjoy! He´s great.. and then on Sunday he was confirmed. So overall.. Such a great weekend. Being a missionary is the best. It´s such a blessing.. and it´s amazing watching someone change their life right in front of you. He was so prepared to change his life.. and i´m so happy i was able to teach him and meet Mike. He always says the only good things about getting sent back to this country was being able to meet us.. I´ll take it!
Then yesterday.. we got the call for transfers.... DUN DUN DUN... First Hna Louis my trainer got the call from president saying she´ll be training a new hermana... but we still didn´t know what was going to happen with Hermana Vado and I. We guessed that we´d all stay and we and Hna Vado would be companions and we´d just divide the area.. Because it´s HUGE. WAY to big for 3.. which is what we´ve been doing. Anyways.. Elder Boire our district leader called last night.. and said..
That me. Hermana Morales.. would be the only one leaving. I´m going to be serving in Villa Fransisca.... in the Gascue Zona. Look it up peeps. All i know is that it´s where all the shopping is at.. and i´m pretty sure the mission office is there.. and maybs the temple. Who knows. My companion will be Hna Larsen.. Who i met in the CCM. And she´s the sweetest. WE share June birthdays.. and we´re both 23.. Yay. She´s from Arizona.. i wanna say.. and she´s a nurse. So i´m in good hands family. I also will be living with Hermana Walker who is also really great. She´s from Riverton. Everyone is from UTAH. So get used to me saying that. And another new hermana... we´ll all be finishing up our training together.. and then the next transfer. Guess what. I´ll be training.. Yes. 4 months in and training.. because the next transfer we have 32 new sisters coming. WHAT. yes.. It´s going to be crazy. What a blessing. So during these next 6 weeks.. i have so much to learn. I better get reading... I feel okay with the stuff i know.. but theres always things i can improve on.
so the next time i email you guys.. i´ll be in a different area. Which i´m sad about..i love our area. I´m so used to it. I know the streets.. FINALLY. I know the people.. where the members live. I LOOOve the ward. I´m just sad. It´s such a bittersweet feeling. I know i´m ment to leave.. i know there´s a greater purpose for everything.. i just dont´wanna. And mainly.. I dont´want to haul all my luggage down THREE sets of stairs.. and find THREE taxis to get to my new house.. at SEVEN am. Wish me luck folks.. all for a greater cause!
Thanks for the on going support people. I love you guys. And i´m so grateful i´m here. I´m learning so much and i´m changing everyday! Just gotta keep walking to find new people. People who are prepared to recieve this AMAZING gospel!!
Hermana Morales