Last transfer the zone made the goal for 15 baptisms within the month.. they were able to get 24. We made the goal 30 this time.. i´m excited to see on Thursday how everyone did. They call Hainamosa the Bautizona... I hope we live up to the name
I´ve sent a lot of the pictures
We have transfers
tomorrow. I´ll be staying in the area with Hermana Jacobs.. and i´m still Sister Training leader. Good to know i´m not fired.
This week was great! We got to go to the temple with the barrio and do baptisms with our new members! It was awesome! The baptistry is beautiful! And it was just a neat experience to be with them!
We had Dislenny and Pamela´s baptism
on Saturday. It was a wonderful baptism!! All of the friends came to support. They were soo HAPPY! I´m so glad. They are finally members!! After all this time! They both got so emotional. It was so sweet. I love those girls. It´s crazy to me how much I get attached to people. You just grow such a love for the people that you teach! It´s so cool.
The people in this ward are AWESOME! I´ve never met such faithful members! They are such great examples! There´s a new member family named the Lorenzos.. amazing family! They just got called to be the young men president and the primary president!! I Love them. And the Lantiguas. The dad got baptised a year ago while one of the daughters was on a mission in Mexico! And they finally get to be sealed this month! We are so happy for them!!
And the Asenjo´s! Another awesome family! The wife just is the nicest person you´ll ever meet. We got to meet the son that´s serving in the west mission at the CCM the other day. Just a neat family!
I love this ward. I never want to leave.
I should watch what I say.
Some elders in our zone got invited my their recent member to do some presentation at her school. the school is in our area... so they invited us to come along. She was giving a presentation about religions.. and we went and taught about the restauration. One elder thought it was going to be with older kids.. it was with a bunch of 10-11 year olds. He was disappointed that they would´nt ask profundo questions.. we were surprised. They askes some gooood questions. And we got some references.. so we´ll take it. And the school looked like a jail from Locked up. just sayin´. :)
We aren´t very good at doing contacts every day. We´re just so busy with references and lessons. We finally were able to do all 15 contacts! Go us. And we found some great peeps.
Hermano Aquino is a golden member! he´s at everything and always willing to come out with us. His family are all menos activo. And we´ve been teaching his son and his wife who is´nt a member. Eddie and Alondra. You might get to meet them. If they let us use their computer for skype. We´ll see. Just a way cool fam. She really likes our church. they FINALLly came to church yesterday. It was a special moment. Aquino always sits alone. And we sat them towards the back. And we went and tapped Aquino on the shoulder.. and said.. ¨Go sit with your family¨. He was so happy. His smile was priceless. And he just shook our hand and said ¨Gracias, Hermanas¨ It was awesome. I´ve never seen him so happy.They brought their cute boy named ethan. Everyone loved him. And was willing to keep him occupied. Which was their concern.. him running around. We need to get her baptised!! Pray for her! And Aquino´s wife. Reyna. The lady we´re afraid of. yikes.
I love my mission. I love working with part member families.. and menos activos. They are just so needed in the church! I´m grateful for be in a ward that is willing to help! What a blessing. When i get home i´ll be the best member ever. Find the missionaries and help them out! They need members! There´s a lady in our ward that asks for a list of our investigators.. and she prays for them. She got that from conference.Smart lady!
I love you all. Thanks for all you do. 23 more days and i get to talk to you all. So excited.
Hermana Morales