Monday, May 19, 2014
February 3, 2014
This week was crazy. We hardly worked.
On Tuesday, The Zone leaders invited us to their area for a service project. The whole zone went.. The service project. Clean an old elders apartment. It´s been empty for a couple of months. Don´t ask why?? Needless to say. It was disgusting. Awful. Terrible. The worst. Just think of a house on some pest control show. Soooo many cockroaches.. it was just filthy. It took us 4 hours to clean that sucker. It was quite the job. But we got it done.. and we got Domnios pizza after. Win. Monday, March 3, 2014
March 3, 2014
Yes. I was MIA last week. I´ve got lots to catch up on.
First. Transfers. I´ll be staying once again in Hainamosa. My new companion is Hermana Prestwich from Georgia. She was in Aruba before. And she´ll be leaving in April. I´ll be killing her :) My old companion Hermana Beltran went to Aruba. So she´s gone. Barbara and Hamlet: She wants to get baptised.. but they need to get married. EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET MARRIED!
On tuesday. I went to pick up my new comp. I had to take a taxi BY MYSELF. It was so weird being by myself. I´m going to be a joke when I get home. She got there kinda late.. so I just sat and chatted. Previously our zone only had 4 hermanas. Now we have SEVEN. it´s so good. They opened up another hermana area. So now we can do intercambios in another area. YAY! i´m excted. The hermanas in Cancino seem so nice! I´m stoked to get to work with them! We have an intercambio planned for this friday.
I love you all. Thanks for the supportÂȘ!
Monday, January 27, 2014
January 27, 2014
My family in Hainamosa!
Lantiguas, Lorenzos, Tejeras, Karina, and the Aquinos.
Hna Morales
Monday, January 20, 2014
January 20, 2014
We´re still working on finding Karina´s birth certificate. Why is it this hard!!! I just don´t understand. We have a plan to go to some office tomorrow morning.. so see if we can get it! Pray that we can. She NEEDS to get baptised. She´s sooo ready! We´ve also been teaching a golden contact named Johan. He accepted the invitation to get baptised on the 2nd of Feb. So pray that that´ll happen too!I had to give two talks this week. I had to speak during our zone reunion. About something.. i can´t remember the name. ¨question de solo dos grados¨.. Apparently Pres. Utchdorf talked about it. That would´ve been nice to know before!! It went well. The AC went off right before I stood up.. needless to say.. It was so hot! Then I talked during out sacrament meeting yesterday. The surprising thing was.. i wasn´t nervous and I held back all my tears. I´m changing. I talked about covenants. It went really well. We had some seventy i´m pretty sure joining us.. and i remember i walked down the stairs and he looked at me and said excellent! That made me feel better! I had people in tears! Which means nothing. I was just so happy that the Spirit really did help me give that talk . I prayed really hard to know what I needed to talk about. And Covenants and ordinances just kept coming up. It became a talk really guided by the spirit. It was cool. I thought i did a decent job. I´m just grateful for the oppotunity I had to talk.. and share my thoughts with the people I care so much about!Hello everyone!This week was full of change. My wonderful companion Hermana Jacobs got sent to el campo.. La Romana. We usually have transfers on Tuesday. But she got to stay another day longer. So we got the show the other two new hermanas who are white washing that other area around. Then early morning on Wednesday. We got in a taxi and headed to Gazcue. And we picked up our new companions. Herman Beltran is her name. And she´s great. She´s so nice. She´s from Mexico. From the same little town my families from.. Casas Grandes. What are the odds. She had to go to a new leader meeting so I got to hangout with Hermana Jacobs and Larson. Two of my fave companions! We ate lunch.. and said goodbye. I hugged Hermana Jacobs.. and tried to hard not to let my tears come out. I just miss that girl. She´s such a great person! Good thing she´s coming back to Provo! Phew. We got in taxi and headed home. When we got home she unpacked who entire suitcase full of Mexican Candy! Now we´re talkin´! I reviewed the ward misison plan and we looked through el carpeta de area. And we just got to know eachother. She studied in AZ so she speaks perfect english.. bonus.----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------- This is part of the email I wrote to Angela. It´s as spiritual as I get.. so I had to share it :)
I´m doing so great! I still can´t believe that I hit my half way mark this week. It´s crazy how fast time goes by! I´m loving every minute and I wish the time would go by slower. We´re working hard and always busy! The people in the Dominican Republic are so ready. The members are also some of the most faithful people i´ve ever met. Such good examples! I´m learning a lot. Mostly about myself. I´m strengthening my relationship with our Heavenly Father. And i´m truly learning how to apply Christ´s atonement in my life. My mission has been nothing but easy. But The Lord knows each of us perfectly. And his love is perfect and infinite. I´ve been studying Jesus the Christ and memorizing The Living Christ. Those two things have allowed me to better understand our Savior and the life he lived while he was here on earth. This gospel is perfect. And i´m grateful for the opportunity I have to share it.
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- 9 Months this week. That´s nothing. I have 9 more to go! Days go by super fast or super slow that I feel like i´ll be here forever. I´m thankful for my time here. 18 months is just the perfect amount of time.I´ve attached a picture that we took about an hour ago. These are the new hermanas in the house. The one next to me in my companion. I know. She´s beautfiul. She makes me look like a joke. Oh well! And our zone leader Elder Rosas called us and told us that they wanted us to talk pictures of us teaching.. so here you go. Some awkward pictures of us teaching about el evangelio... haha This is Eddy and his mom Reyna. The Menos activos!.. AND loook at how long my hair is!! .I LOVE YOU!Hermana Morales
Monday, January 13, 2014
January 13 (the Mountains)
Those folks are mountains in the background.!!
No email today. I´m supes busy.. so i have no time!! dumb!Monday, January 6, 2014
January 6, 2014
And i´m so anxious. I hate transfers. What will happen! I have no idea!
On Thursday we had intercambios... I went with Hermana Goff in here area. It was really good. We had to be home early that night.. due to the crazies out in the street. She´s a great missionary. There´s lots I´ve learned from her. As a sister training leader i´m in charge of doing intercambios.. Tomorrow i´ll do one with Her companion Hermana Hilbun. Should be fun :)
New Years eve was as crazy as they get. We made dinner.. and we chatted. We watched the TESTAMENTS... I know cray. And we waited for the time. I´m pretty sure our clock was accurate and we celebrated on time. But in true dominican fashion.. people celebrated.. like 10 minutes later. We watched fireworks from our balcony.. and celebrated Hermana Jacobs birthday. And were in bed by 10:30.
We couldn´t leave until 3 the next day.. so we slept in. Which was wonderful!
We couldn´t leave until 3 the next day.. so we slept in. Which was wonderful!
That night we celebrated with a tre leches cake and we gave her a present.. a skirt she´s been eyeing for our entire time together... She loved it.
On thursday we had our district meeting. Which consisted of us just playing games. We all made a fool of ourselves... stupid animal noises. It was fun.
Karina made us empanadas... they were bomb. And have I mentioned that they always buy us coke. I love them. Not just for the coke... but because they are just the best people. Karina is CHANGING. Her prayers are so sincere. They are so specific.. Makes me want to work on mine.. oops. She´s great. I love her. She´s always at every activity.. and early to church. THEY JUST NEED TO GET MARRIED. Good news.. the office open up this week. So hopefully a miracle happens.
On Friday we watched the Christmas Devotional as a zone.. Hermana Jacobs made brownies.. We left to use the restroom and got back and they were GONE. Thanks for saving us one, Elders.
Fun fact: Dominican Vocab is crazy. They just make up words and phrases.. and they mean something. What! Example. Pila = Lots. Tipo/Tipa= Girl or guy.. What. What... boggles my mind. I´m going to come home with all sorts of words.. ha
Saturday Obispo Walker had us over to Lunch.. It was great. We played dominos... My favorite game.. And he went over the new ward mission plan. Lots of things in this coming year. As well as a new ward mission leader.. we need one bad!
Inoel passed the sacrament on Sunday. It was a special moment.
Over all a good week. Kinda scattered.. Whatever. I´m in a hurry.
I love you all!
Hermana Morales
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